Building a brand new home is one of the biggest financial investments you will ever make. With the ever-growing building market in WA, it can make the task of finding the right company very confusing and stressful. Settling for the incorrect builder can lead to years of regret and disappointment.
“Finding a home that’s just right can be a strenuous task. Some ideas on a pre-planned property may tick some of your boxes, but not all. If you’re feeling this way, have you considered a custom home designs?”
Volume builders can build hundreds of homes each yea. Saying this, it can be hard to provide a highly personable level of service to each customer. Volume building companies can build up to 20 or more properties in a single year. Whereas custom home builders build a small portion compared to the standard building companies. Urban Design specialise in designing and constructing a very number of new builds each year. Each of which we put every little bit of detail and care into.
Urban Design specialises in building your custom home that will tick all your boxes. Boxes that can’t always be ticked by volume home builders. The primary difference between custom home builders and volume home builders is this – customisation and one-on-one customer service. Instead of choosing your future home off a pre-made blueprint, we work with you to create your own blueprint. Inclusive off all the design and construction features that are individual to your personal style.
Custom home builders like us at Urban Design, remains focused on a small number of homes at one time. We pride ourselves in not getting distracted by managing a large sum of projects at once. The custom building process is bespoke and personalised to your taste. The positive aspect of custom building your property is – in the end you will have a home that is unique and designed to your personal wants. Custom homes haven’t been pre-designed like volume builders supply. Saying this, the design stage will take a little longer compared to standard building companies. But we can assure you that the process will be enjoyable and rewarding in the end.
Contact us on 9309 6029 today, and a member of our team will be able to provide answers to questions you may have.